CORDIAGRA Cordiagra – For Erectile Dysfunction
Description: Cordiagra is a specially formulated, unique blend of Cordyceps militaris and a few Indian herbs used since ancient times to Rejuvenate, Re-vitalize, and Boost Sexual Drive & Functionality.
Sexual performance has become a huge challenge now a days due to hectic lifestyle and stress levels. This leads to frustration among couples and may end up in divorces in some cases. So, we have introduced a herbal supplement known with the name as CORDIAGRA, with one of the key ingredients as Cordyceps, which is well known for Strength, Vitality and Libido performances. If you are facing Erectile dysfunction issues ,we recommend using Cordiagra on a regular basis. Cordiagra helps to get and maintain Stiff and firm erections during sex. These capsules are usually safe and don’t necessarily cause any side effects. It contains premium medicinal herb Cordyceps and some other medicinal herbs that increase blood flow to the penile organ and relaxes the muscles. It may also aid strengthening your libido, promoting proper functioning of reproductive organs by widening the blood vessels present in the penile area.
Functions & Uses:
1.It is beneficial in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
2.Relaxes vascular smooth muscles which enhances Erections.
3.Increase sexual Stemina and endurance during the act.
4.Helps to intensify performance and sexual pleasure.
5. It can help to gain better control over ejaculation.
Properties: Libido-Enhancer, Testosterone booster, Adaptogen, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Microbial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Fungal, Blood-Sugar Regulator, Immuno-Regulator.
Composition: Cordyceps militaris, Horny Goat Weed Extract, Tongat Ali, Maca Root Extract, Ginseng, Mucuna Seed Extract, Asparagus Ascendus Extract, Withania Root Extract, Tribulus Fruit Extract, Vidarkand.
Usage:1-2 caps each day
A Steroid-free, Herbal Product from Cordy Herb Biotech. We do not use Mycelium, Starch, Grains, or Fillers in our products. Just 100% Natural and Pure Ingredients.