6 CordyoAthelete Champions win Medals ?
What are the chances of 6 athletes training under the same coach, on the same muscle and power building dietary supplement regimen – all winning medals ? at the same competition?
Cordy-Herb Biotech is proud to present these exceptional success stories powered by Cordio-Athlete, our unique, steroid-free blend of Power & Stamina boosting natural herbs.
Cordyceps based Herbal Dietary Supplements
Stamina, Strength, Endurance & Performance Booster
Steroid Free and 100% Natural Dietary Supplements
Enhance your fitness regime & workouts with the right dietary supplements sourced from medicinal herbs like Cordyceps Militaris, Ginseng, Rhodhila Rosea which have been used by men & women for several centuries to improve Strength & Vitality.

Athletes & Sportsmen
- Our Steroid-free and 100% herbal, Cordyceps based dietary supplements is a risk-free supplement of choice for Athletes and Sports personnel pursuing physical excellence.
- Research shows that consumption of Cordio Athlete as a pre-workout energy booster allows better delivery and utilization of oxygen thereby raising the anaerobic threshold which in turn delays the onset of fatigue.

Body Builders & Weight Lifters
- By enhancing ATP production, Cordio Athlete helps Body builders, Weightlifters and other World-class competitors greatly extend the time periods of their peak performances, and significantly improve muscle gain and build.
- Adenosine is the currency of the muscular system and powers short explosive activities like sprints, jumps, weight lifting and other fitness regimes that require high energy.

Fitness & Well being Enthusiasts
- Miracle herb and Superfood, Cordio Athlete is the first choice of thousands of fitness and health enthusiasts.
- Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant & anti-microbial properties enhances the sleep & relaxation by boosting cellular rejuvenation.
- Cordyceps has been used for centuries as a general tonic for longevity and well-being and to improve energy levels and strength.
Cordy Herbs’s range of Medicinal Herbs & Natural Dietary Supplements
Boost Immunity, Metabolism, Energy Levels, Vigour & Vitality
Boost your daily life and vitality with 100% natural & herbal dietary supplements, boost your day-to-day energy and excel in performance at home, play & work.

Improve Immunity & Metabolism
Referred to as Himalayan Gold, Cordyceps Militaris shows amazing potential in balancing the immune system and improving metabolism thereby increasing potency, stamina, and performance capacity.

Improve Body Functions and Vitality
Cordyceps Militaris enhances & regulates the processing of energy & repair functions of the brain, heart, liver, kidney at a cellular level, contributing to the strength & vitality of the body. It controls sugar levels & blood pressure.

Boost Energy Levels & Performance
Research shows that sustained use of Cordyceps Militaris greatly improves vigor & performance duration by optimizing the intake & utilization of oxygen we breathe. This allows for longer peak performances and greater fatigue resistance.

Improving Sex Drive
The most powerful, natural alternative to libido-enhancing pharmaceutical drugs, cultures all over the globe have used it as nature’s aphrodisiac to increase sexual desire in men and women. Cordyceps can significantly improve sex drive in both men and women, and it has no known side-effects.

Treating Infertility & Dysfunction
The ability of Cordyceps to stimulate the production of Oestrogen in the body is drawing attention of leading specialists treating female infertility. It has long been proven to boost testosterone production in men and increase energy levels & reproductive capabilities in both men & women.

Treating Lack of Energy & Fatigue
Cordyceps has been traditionally used in Chinese, Tibetan and Nepalese medicine to regulate and enhance energy levels and delay the onset of fatigue in men and women. Cordyceps fungus helps to rejuvenate and boost mitochondrial energy thus increasing the body’s basal temperature.
Cordyceps Products
Browse our range of health, wellness and natural nutraceutical products
CordyHerb Biotech is an Advanced Research & Development facility for
Cordyceps based Dietary Supplements
Cordy Herb Biotech is dedicated to research and curation of intense power & performance boosting natural herbal blends that are free of steroids and side-effects. Each product is a result of deep research and observation, with quality inputs from Health Experts, Fitness enthusiasts, Athletes and Sports personnel. Each product is an optimum blend of different Indian herbs with incredible potential and the legendary Cordyceps militaris.
As the pioneer of lab cultivation of Cordyceps militaris in India, Cordy Herb Biotech carefully executes the end-to-end process – from spawning to bottling to produce 100% pure fruiting fingers on high quality substrate, that are considered the best in the country. Our methods of processing do not involve mycelium, starch, or grains; therefore, our products have high purity and potency levels and are thrice as powerful as similar products in the market.
Cordyceps militaris produced and used by Cordy Herb Biotech contains optimum levels of Cordycepin, Adenosine, Polysaccharides, SOD, Sterols, and many other beneficial compounds. Our products are 100% Vegan, and steroid-free. We do not use Mycelium, Starch, Grains, or Fillers in our products. Just Mushrooms and Herbs.
To become one of the preferential selections of our clients, we are working in a keen way right from our establishment in this industry.
Our Products by Category
Our latest Cordyceps Militaris based Medicinal Herbs, Dietary Supplements & Nutraceutical Products to help you Boost your Stamina, Strength and Performance
Many Happy Customers
We have been serving many customers that are thoroughly happy with the result they have achieve using our Cordyceps based Products
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From Our Blog
Learn about CordycepsIndia, our Research, Products, Case Studies & Success Stories.
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