Edible mushrooms have been in use since centuries for their high nutritional and medicinal value as a functional food. Medicinal mushrooms produce a vast diversity of bioactive compounds that have beneficial therapeutic effects and can act as immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agents. Cordyceps militaris is a highly valued fungus in this regard which thrives at extremely high altitudes in the cold, mountainous Himalayan plateau. Due to its rarity and the difficulties involved in harvesting, it has always been expensively priced. Despite its cost and rarity, the incredible medical benefits of Cordyceps have made it a highly valued component of traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Cordyceps militaris is well known for its compounds like nucleoside, cordycepin and its derivatives, ergosterol, polysaccharides, glycoprotein and peptides containing aminoisobutyric acid. Polysaccharides and cordycepin present in C militaris account for the anti-inflammatory antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-metastatic, immunomodulatory, hypoglycaemic, steroidogenic and hypolipidaemic effects.

Pre-workout Energy Booster

Increases Strength & Stamina, promotes rapid Muscle growth

As a pre-workout energy booster, cordyceps allows better delivery and utilization of oxygen thereby raising the anaerobic threshold which in turn delays the onset of fatigue. It also promotes rapid cell repair and rejuvenation in the intervals between intense sessions. Most importantly, it allows one to extend the duration of their peak performances.

When combined with other herbs like Asian ginseng and Rhodiola rosea, it becomes a powerful blend that promotes rapid muscle growth and prolongs peak physical performance.

Dietary Supplement & Superfood

Boosts Metabolism, Immunity and Endurance Capacity.

Categorized as a Super-food, Cordyceps Militaris is a steroid-free, 100% herbal performance enhancer for those pursuing activities such as sports, body building, physical endurance programs and other physically demanding routines. Cordyceps Is also invaluable as a metabolism and immunity booster and is very effective in Weight Loss & Management. Cordyceps is also called ‘Himalayan Gold’ as it is often farmed in the Himalayan plateaus and has been used in ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine for curing diarrhea, headache, cough, rheumatism, liver disease, kidney disease, and much more.


Neutralizes free radicals and slows aging.

Research shows that their antioxidant content may explain their anti-aging potential. Several studies have found that Cordyceps increases antioxidants in the blood, helping improve memory and sexual function. Antioxidants fight cell damage by neutralizing free radicals, which can otherwise contribute to disease and aging. Studies have found that mice and fruit flies that were given Cordyceps lived several months longer than rest. It is believed that sustained consumption of Cordyceps can have these same anti-aging benefits in humans.

Tumor-Retardant & Blood-Sugar Balancer

Resists & retards the formation of tumorous cells and cysts. Replicates the action of Insulin

Its cancer / tumor retarding properties have been well studied by health practitioners around the world and has been shown to be effective on cells infected by Lymphoma, Melanoma and Lung Cancer. Cordyceps Militaris enhances and regulates the processing of energy and the repair functions of the brain, heart, liver, kidney at a cellular level, contributing to the strength and vitality of the body. It also helps control sugar levels and blood pressure.

Natural Aphrodisiac & Infertility Treatment

Enhances Sex-drive, stamina & vitality in both men and women

The ability of Cordyceps to stimulate the production of Oestrogen in the body is drawing the attention of the leading specialists treating female infertility. It has long been proven to boost testosterone production in men and increase energy levels and reproductive capabilities in both men and women. Cordyceps been traditionally used to reduce fatigue and boost strength and sex drive in the elderly. Cordyceps has earned the bulk of its reputation for its success in treating problems like dysfunctionality, low sex drive and infertility. Studies show that regardless of the form it is consumed in (extract, pills, powder), sustained use of Cordyceps miraculously improves the metabolism, and immunity levels, thereby increasing stamina, and performance capacity. The most powerful, natural alternative to libido-enhancing pharmaceutical drugs, cultures all over the globe have used it as nature’s aphrodisiac to increase sexual desire in men and women. Cordyceps can do wonders for your sex life and it has no known side-effects. The non-physical benefits of sustained consumption of Cordyceps militaris include high levels of motivation and self-confidence arising from a renewed and revitalized body.