We have time and again been asked the question “Are there any 100% Natural, Steroid free Herbal Supplements for Muscle Building?”

And the answer to that is a Yes!, there are some very potent natural Medicinal Herbs that can significantly support your Body Builders, Weight Lifters and Athletes to gain muscle quickly, while reducing the required heal time after workouts.

Following are the most effective Natural Muscle, Stamina, Strength and Performance Builders that you can include in your Body Building or Work Out Regime as Herbal Dietary Supplements to gain muscle quickly and naturally:

Cordyceps Militaris

Often referred to as Himalayan Gold, energy booster – Cordyceps also increases testosterone production which is crucial in promoting maximal muscle growth. Ergosterol which is found in Cordyceps promotes bone development and encourages cellular repair.

Cordyceps Militaris increases the body’s production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is essential for delivering energy to the muscles, significantly improving the way your body uses oxygen, during physical activity.

Adenosine powers short, explosive activities like jumps, sprints, and weightlifting while allowing optimum heart rate


Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng also known an Asian ginseng or Ashwagandha is one of the most popular herbal dietary supplements worldwide and has been shown to increase muscle efficiency and aerobic capacity. Ginseng has earned high reputation as an excellent strength and stamina booster over centuries of use by different cultures of the world. Active ingredients in Panax ginseng prevent adrenal overstimulation and excess corticosteroid production during intense physical workouts. As an adaptogen Asian ginseng or Ashwagandha helps one recover better from physical stress. A recent scientific assessment of all human studies on the use of ginseng concluded the herb can improve fatigue-resistance, boost energy, and motivation. Traditional Chinese medicine has been using Asian ginseng for hundreds of years as a natural immunity and stamina booster and is often referred to as the “King of Herbs.”

Asian ginseng is most often used to provide a stimulating action on the body. The World Health Organization recently stated that clinical data supports the use of ginseng for enhancing mental and physical capacities. Asian ginseng or Ashwagandha has been used for centuries as a tonic, stimulant and aphrodisiac. Researchers have found that ginseng can give you more energy during workouts and it also helps you get more reps with a given weight before your limit kicks in. Simply put, this means more muscle growth over time.

Rhodiola rosea

Miracle herb Rhodiola rosea is a dietary supplement with tremendous medicinal potential that has been widely investigated for its bioactive compounds and therapeutic benefits. Rhodiola is traditionally used for treating acute mountain sickness, lung disorders, burns, soft tissue injuries, and diabetes as well as to improve stamina. The major property of the bio-compounds found in Rhodiola rosea is their antioxidant capacity. Previous studies have shown that long-term Rhodiola supplementation significantly reduced blood glucose level, plasma insulin and triglycerides making it an excellent metabolism booster. Dietary supplementation along with Cordyceps militaris for just two weeks show that it increases tissue oxygen exchange, improves the lipid profile, increases heart rate variability, muscle fatigue-resistance capacity and acts as an effective herbal stamina and performance booster. This suggests that Rhodiola and Cordyceps exert an ergonomic effect on human health and performance.

Two studies examining a combination of Rhodiola and Cordyceps on exercise performance and muscle oxygen saturation in athletes have reported alleviated physiological stress in situations induced by high altitude training schedules and significantly improved aerobic performance.

Cordyio-Athlete. A Unique blend of Super dietary supplements Cordyceps militaris, Rhodiola rosea, Panax ginseng and more.

Cordyio-Athlete is a unique blend that harnesses the power of 3 legendary herbs, namely, Cordyceps militaris, Rhodiola rosea and Panax ginseng. As a pre-workout energy booster Cordyio-Athlete increases strength and stamina while promoting swift muscle growth and quick recovery from muscle stress. This unique blend is ideal for Bodybuilders, Weightlifters Sportsmen, Athletes, and those engaged in physical endurance regimes as it allows them to further their limits and hold their peak performances for longer. Sustained consumption of Cordyio-Athlete ensures potent endurance capacity, body composition improvement, and metabolic benefits, making it ideally the most powerful yet safe Herbal Muscle-Strength-Performance-Booster available.